June 5, 2009

Week 2 Recap

So day 2 has concluded and I think we witnessed some real big improvements today.
First of all, I have to start with the setters. They were putting a lot of balls in the target towards the end. The form was looking great. Devynn lead with 3 sets in a row in the target. Miranda fell just short of 3 with a ball that bounced of the “rim”. She finished with 2. Our goal next time should be 5.

I didn’t watch the passing but I heard a bit of what was going on because a certain Mr. Reynolds felt the need to talk right through our setting drill. I think the passing must have gone fairly well though because during the last drill, there was some great passes made. Cassidy A. had some very nice passes which won her a trip to the hitting line where she had a couple pretty nice hits as well. The hitting must have gone equally well because plenty of you were doing big approaches and hitting the ball soundly.

So that’s that. Next week I’m leaning towards a digging/transition day but we’ll see. Remember to call or email me if you won’t be there!

Oh one more thing for both groups: For those of you who intend on going to other vball camps this summer, I encourage you to continue practicing good form. You’ll get plenty more playing in so you might as well keep using good habits, even if we’re not there reminding you. J

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